Crate haruspex

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haruspex - Tool to extract IDA decompiler’s pseudo-code Copyright (c) 2024-2025 Marco Ivaldi

“Hacking is the discipline of questioning all your assumptions all of the time.”

– Dave Aitel

Haruspex is a blazing fast IDA Pro headless plugin that extracts pseudo-code generated by IDA Pro’s decompiler in a format that should be suitable to be imported into an IDE or parsed by static analysis tools such as Semgrep, weggli, or oneiromancer.


  • Blazing fast, headless user experience courtesy of IDA Pro 9 and Binarly’s idalib Rust bindings.
  • Support for binary targets for any architecture implemented by IDA Pro’s Hex-Rays decompiler.
  • Pseudo-code of each function is stored in a separated file in the output directory for easy inspection.
  • External crates can invoke decompile_to_file to decompile a function and save its pseudo-code to disk.

§Blog post

§See also


The easiest way to get the latest release is via

  1. Download, install, and configure IDA Pro (see
  2. Download and extract the IDA SDK (see
  3. Install haruspex as follows:
    $ export IDASDKDIR=/path/to/idasdk90
    $ export IDADIR=/path/to/ida # if not set, the build script will check common locations
    $ cargo install haruspex # or run cargo add haruspex to install as a library


Alternatively, you can build from source:

  1. Download, install, and configure IDA Pro (see
  2. Download and extract the IDA SDK (see
  3. Compile haruspex as follows:
    $ git clone
    $ cd haruspex
    $ export IDASDKDIR=/path/to/idasdk90 # or edit .cargo/config.toml
    $ export IDADIR=/path/to/ida # if not set, the build script will check common locations
    $ cargo build --release


  1. Make sure IDA Pro is properly configured with a valid license.
  2. Run haruspex as follows:
    $ haruspex <binary_file>
  3. Find the extracted pseudo-code of each decompiled function in the binary_file.dec directory:
    $ vim <binary_file>.dec
    $ code <binary_file>.dec

§Tested with

  • IDA Pro 9.0.240925 on macOS arm64 and Linux x64.
  • IDA Pro 9.0.241217 on macOS arm64 and Linux x64.

Note: only the unix target family is currently supported, check idalib documentation if you want to port it to windows yourself.





    Number of decompiled functions


  • Decompile function func in IDB idb and save its pseudo-code to output file at filepath.
  • Extract pseudo-code of functions in the binary file at filepath and save it in filepath.dec.